Language Selector



Integration with Generative AI

Your app integrations can now incorporate AI to:

  • Data validation.
  • Spell Correction.
  • Information enrichment.
  • Intelligent ChatBots.
  • Information classification.
  • Data quality assessment.
  • Decisions guided by tailored documents.

Let's schedule an appointment to find out your specific requirement.




  • Our AI automates the processing of obtaining, generating, validating and transforming information through file exchange.
    Facilitates the use of AI's from LLM's based on Llama CPP (currently 2500 models).
    Each message is processed with transaction identifiers that allow the input data and the response to be associated so that other applications can process them regardless of their programming language.
    It can be run with or without the user interface.
    Supports MultiChat with custom title assignment.
    Works with CPU.
    Allows vertical and horizontal scaling using Apache Ignite for task replication. 
    Download version 1.2.1 from the following link: MC3D AI v1.2.1